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Hunter Baldwin Consulting, LLC

Member:: Robert Murphy
79660 Northwood La Quinta, CA 92253 Work Phone: 315-521-9655 Website:


Photo of Hunter Baldwin Consulting, LLC
At its core is the belief that leadership to be most effective must be transformational. For this to occur in the leadership process there must first be individual self-efficacy within the individual or group being led. This self-efficacy is a direct result of motivation and inspiration which is modeled by the behavior of the leader (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). In order for this transformation to be sustainable there are very clear and data- driven behaviors as noted in James Kouzes and Barry Posner’s forty year landmark research on leadership development and is found in the 6th Edition of the Leadership Challenge. Fundamental to this research is the fact that leadership is “behavioral and not personal”. The clients enrolled in the Hunter-Baldwin Transformational Leadership Construct will explore in detail the five leadership challenge  practices of an extraordinary leader:
  • Model the Way – Values
  • Inspire a Shared Vision – Vision
  • Challenge the Process – Initiative
  • Enable Others to Act – Trust
  • Encourage the Heart – Inspiration
The Transformational Leadership Construct
In order to enhance the program and build additional leadership muscle for the client without overwhelming them, the program will touch on the most salient points of Ethical Leadership, Humility Leadership, Contrarian Leadership, Authentic Leadership and Hunter-Baldwin’s operating partner’s individual leadership philosophy of “Eat last, go first and answer the question.” This was cultivated and refined based on his experience as an officer in the United States Marine Corps, Corporate Executive, Educator, as well as his experience on Mt. Everest with the incredible Sherpa guides which he references their leadership qualities as best-in- class (Sherpa Leadership).

At the conclusion of this program participants will be able to:

  1. Answer with conviction and content the three most salient questions every leader must be able to do if they are to be seen as credible leaders.
  2. Make a material leadership change in self, others and organizations.
  3. Clearly understand that leadership is not about transaction but a relationship.

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