Tuesday Lead$ Lunch held at Eight4Nine

Join us every Tuesday for our Lead$ Lunch held at Eight4Nine, Restaurant & Lounge. FREE for all Chamber Member, the only cost to you is your lunch. We have the most active weekly networking event in the Coachella Valley. Come and join us!

Tuesday Weekly Lead$ Lunch held at Lulu

Lulu California Bistro 200 S Palm Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, CA, United States

Join us every Tuesday for our Lead$ Lunch held at Lulu California Bistro. FREE for all Chamber Member, the only cost to you is your lunch. We have the most active weekly networking event in the Coachella Valley. Come and join us!

Tuesday Weekly Lead$ Lunch held at Lulu

Lulu California Bistro 200 S Palm Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, CA, United States

Join us every Tuesday for our Lead$ Lunch held at Lulu California Bistro. FREE for all Chamber Member, the only cost to you is your lunch. We have the most active weekly networking event in the Coachella Valley. Come and join us!

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